Media Waiver Media Waiver Program Participant: Program Title: 2022 SUMMER ZOO CAMP This form must be completed and returned before any child can participate in zoo camp. Media Release Waiver I give permission to Peck’s Wildwood Wildlife Park and Nature Center Inc. and its representatives to take and use my child(ren)’s image and/or quotes for any purpose whatsoever, including advertising and publicity through any media including social media, radio and television. I understand that in this instance, my child or I will not be identified or compensated. I further agree that all property rights in and to any advertising or publicity materials, films or recordings containing my image or quotes, or my child(ren)’s, are the sole and exclusive property of Peck’s Wildwood Wildlife Park and Nature Center Inc. I have carefully read, clearly understand, and accept the terms and conditions stated herein and acknowledge that this agreement shall be effective and binding upon Releasors. This agreement may be signed and delivered before the child(ren)’s participation in zoo camp. Permission YES, I give permission for my image/my child’s image to be utilized NO, I do not give permission for my image/my child’s image to be utilized Signature of participant’s parent/guardian Date